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Into the Chrysalis
"Chrysalises both inspire and baffle me. The thought that a caterpillar can crawl into a sac made of its own body and dissolve its form and come out as a butterfly is a cliched image of transformation, but holy crap. Stop for a moment and really think about that. Does the caterpillar know this is going to happen? If it does that shows some tremendous trust. If it doesn't, then that shows some incr... posted on Apr 09 2020, 10,481 reads


Healing Our Relationship to Reality
"As human beings we are hardwired to search for stability, security, certainty and a sense of control in our lives. And yet, life by definition is perpetually in flux, it is famously unpredictable, riddled with uncertainty and fundamentally uncontrollable. These realities are the ground on which we practice. And practicing on this ground invites us into the heart of paradox. The paradox of finding... posted on Apr 08 2020, 10,702 reads


The Art of Waiting
""Time is the substance I am made of," Borges wrote in his spectacular confrontation with time, "Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire." We are indeed creatures of time who live with it and in it, on the picketed patch of spacetime we have each been allotted. But if time is t... posted on Apr 07 2020, 7,186 reads


Courage & Vulnerability: Corona & the Wisdom of Elders
"In every crisis of my life, learning has helped me find my way through. That means paying attention, allowing myself to feel as well as think, looking at things from different angles, gathering the best info available, trying to connect the dots, and 'living the questions' when the answers elude me." For more than five decades, Parker Palmer has written and spoken about subjects ranging from cont... posted on Apr 06 2020, 17,051 reads


16 Teachings from COVID-19
"A lot is being said these days. Clarity can be hard to come by, silence even more so. Overwhelmed by the cacophony of voices, I sat down to synthesize some perspectives that shine light on the corona crisis. Most of you will already have come across some of those ideas. They show us what we can learn from the current situation. Corona holds a mirror that reflects our relationship with ourselves, ... posted on Apr 05 2020, 64,198 reads


Even If You've Not Been Fed, Be Bread.
"In my role as director of the nonprofit Mercy Beyond Borders, I am frequently in South Sudan visiting our education projects for girls and our micro-enterprise projects with women and our leadership training of young women for advocacy. Keeping girls in school protects them from early marriages, allows them to develop their gifts, sets them on the path to pursue professional careers. The small lo... posted on Apr 04 2020, 7,515 reads


The Lost Gift
Writing in his journal, nine year old Abeer speaks of his frustrations with having to always prove himself at school and at home, never being allowed to be himself. His heartfelt and eye-opening words remind us that each child really is unique and should be cherished as such. The poignant message is, "Don't look at who your child could be, but who your child is." As Abeer points out, if children t... posted on Apr 03 2020, 3,351 reads


How to Strengthen Your Inner Shield
Cynthia Li MD is a gifted physician and author who has had experience with battling an autoimmune disorder and recognizing both the power and limits of conventional medicine. "In the current pandemic, the strength of your immune system is the critical difference between milder and more severe illness caused by the COVID-19 virus. In a gift e-booklet, 'How to Strengthen Your Inner Shield,' Li offer... posted on Apr 02 2020, 45,015 reads


Oriah Mountain Dreamer: The Call
"I have heard it all my life. A voice calling a name I recognized as my own.
Sometimes it comes as a soft-bellied whisper.Sometimes it holds an edge of urgency. But always it says: Wake up, my love. You are walking asleep.
There's no safety in that! Remember what you are, and let a deeper knowing color the shape of your humanness. There is nowhere to go. What you are looking for is r... posted on Apr 01 2020, 3,935 reads


The Woman Behind India's First Testing Kit
"India has been criticized for its poor record of testing people in the battle against coronavirus. That, however, is set to change, thanks in large part to the efforts of one virologist, who delivered on a working test kit, just hours before delivering her baby .On Thursday, the first made-in-India coronavirus testing kits reached the market, raising hopes of an increase in screening of patients ... posted on Mar 31 2020, 5,035 reads


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